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What to Expect

Before Session


Before the date of your session, you will receive an email with all the necessary information that you will need to best prepare for the session, including the address and reminders.


Maja Healing Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Therapy Healing Bali
Maja Healing Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Therapy Healing Bali

The Session


We will go through 3 stages during our time together. 



During this portion, we will go through the consent form, general medical questions and then delve into detail of what you wish to address in the session.  Time will be set aside to explain what you can expect to experience during the hypnosis portion and we will have time to answer any questions you may have. This portion takes about 30 minutes. 


Hypnosis portion:

This portion usually last around 2 to 2.5 hours and this is where the crux of the therapeutic work will be done.



The third and last portion of the session consists of a *short* discussion .  It Is intentionally short as you will still be processing so while we will go over key points, we will not go into details of the session. This may last up 15-30 minutes.


Overall, you can expect to be with the hypnotherapist for about 2 hours to 2.5 hours.


Environment of the Session


It is most important that you are comfortable! 

You will be seated in a comfortable reclining chair during the entire session.  The options of pillows and a  blanket will be offered for your use. 

The temperature of the room is set at a comfortable temperature, and can easily be changed to what suits your need.

What To  Expect While In Hypnosis Online Hypnotherapy Effective


During the hypnosis portion of the session, you can expect to feel very relaxed and comfortable.  Numerous clients report experiencing intriguing states during the session, such as feeling as though their arms, legs, or entire body is heavy like lead, or they feel as though their body is extremely expansive, light and airy.  The experience varies between each person and even between sessions.


You will be not be unconscious or sleeping during the session - being aware and conscious during the hypnosis section, online hypnotherapy effective is necessary for you to overcome the issue, experience healing and gain understanding.   While you will be able to access memories in your subconscious and reporting them to me, you will also simultaneously be aware of all that is occurring all the time around you in the room, and fully and openly communicating with me. The only main difference between the pretalk and actual hypnosis portion of the session is feeling a deeper sense of relaxation in the body, and the shift to a slower, more relaxed dialogue.


You will also be able to remember your experience - the experience is similar to recalling a dream from the night before but with more clarity and insight. 


Throughout the session, you may at times feel as though you are not in hypnosis.  This is common as your conscious mind, although passive, will be awake and aware.  However, even though you may feel aware and conscious, your body will carry out certainly movements while in hypnosis that are beyond our conscious control.  I will continuously be watching for these movements and signs throughout the entire session, and will carry out necessary steps to achieve success during the session. 

kartika hypnotherapist pre talk hynosis bali client
kartika hypnotherapist session hynosis bali client

After the session


Following the session, it is a highly suggested to have something to eat and drink right after, and  if possible, to not make any immediate plans (within 30 minutes-1 hour) right after the session.   As you will not know how you will feel, it will allow you to have space and time to process if it is necessary for you.  Again, there is no way to predict how you experience a session.

Following the session, clients generally report feeling a bit tired, yet feeling positive, lighter, liberated and more relaxed than prior to the session, as though they have released 'weight' they were carrying around.




Generally, most issues and topics can be resolved in one or two sessions.  However, some issues require several sessions, and there is truly no way of knowing how many sessions are required beforehand.


Each session will require effort and energy from you in order to resolve the topic. 


You may find that your hypnotherapy experience with us to be very different from your experience with other hypnotherapists and therapists.  We are most interested and focused on understanding why you are who you are today.  What you did in the past and who did what to you is not the priority – only insofar that it is linked to you experiencing the issue you have today.  The key is locate the root cause of your issue to understand why you are experiencing the issue today, so as to help you resolve it and that once the session is finished you are walking out of the door feeling lighter, healthier and happier. 

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